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Pacific Play Tents Authentic Kids Teepee Tent, Cotton Canvas Sides And Bamboo Poles

Repeat for pole #4. Cover the rope over & under, then across the teepee many times. Using 4 poles, you need to have the front wider & the back of the teepee more small. Not machine washable, perfect for inside use but suited to exterior play on sunlit summer times (not waterproof). Dora the Explorer Hideaway Tent: is an interior/outdoor play tent made for adventurous little girls constructed with EZ-Twist technology for simple setting up. Created from non-woven nylon binding and steel that can be place cleaned and air dried, it includes a tunnel interface for crawl-through action.
Not machine washable, suitable for indoors use but suited to outside the house play on sunny summer days (not waterproof). What better way to ignite their creative imagination than by getting them a teepee tent to experiment with in. It's the perfect location [url=][/url] to play make believe with dolls, do to some colouring in a colouring book, or even to put a puzzle jointly. Hello, I am currently considering making my own TeePee for my current project in University which will be set up for an exhibition over xmas.
The design on lots of the teepees create an environment that inspire creative and healthy play. Enjoy your little ones' imaginations with this gingerbread house play tent, sure to keep them entertained for hours-a great alternative to the TV or games consoles. The Mushroom House is a great play tent for girls and boys, it'll keep them amused all night with a great deal of imaginary fun.
Made out of upcycled fabric and helps textile recycling in Vancouver, BC, these eco-friendly teepee play tents feature sheer windows which allows parents to try or kids to watch out. The nostalgic teepee creates an instant Cozy indoor hideout for your little ones. The timeless design of the teepee and the accents in the cloth will be [url=] adored [url=][/url] [/url] by all age ranges. Made with durable cotton canvas and durable wooden support poles, this teepee will inspire time of fun and play. From Aspiration House, this is a very attractive teepee style tent with Local American images to make it appear to be the real deal.
There's a wide variety of play tents in the marketplace so selection should be based on size (amount of children the tent can allow for), outdoor or indoors purpose, [url=] material [/url], design and features such as water-resistant floor, mosquito mesh etc. THE BRAND NEW Special Release Teepee is a fun play tent for girls and boys, it'll keep them amused all night with a lot of imaginary fun.

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